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Help Wanted: Winning the War for Talent During the Accounting Hiring Crunch


Available Date(s)
Wednesday, June 26, 2024: 3:00PM EDT

Cost Free
CPE Credits 1.0 hour
Subject Area 1.0 - Personnel/Human Resources
CE Credits 0.0 hours
Course Level Basic
Instructional Method Group Internet Based
Prerequisites None
Advanced Preparation None
Course Description

Is your accounting firm struggling to attract and retain qualified talent? You're not alone. In this timely webinar, join top accounting leaders as they address the hiring crisis affecting the profession. Explore the root causes behind the talent crunch, learn about the consequences of staff shortages, and discover innovative strategies to attract and retain skilled employees. Our expert panelists, including Randy Johnston, Will Hamilton, Gary Boomer, and Michael McGovern, will delve into leveraging technology for flexible work arrangements and implementing cost-saving measures to enhance compensation packages.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the key factors driving accountants away from public practice roles

  • Determine the implications of talent shortages on staff workload and liability risks

  • Recognize innovative approaches for talent acquisition and retention during a hiring crisis

  • Recognize how technology enables the flexible work model employees are searching for

  • List cost-effective methods to enhance compensation packages and maintain competitiveness in the job market


Randolph P. Johnston

K2 Enterprises
Executive Vice President
620-664-6000 ext. 112


Randolph P. (Randy) Johnston, MCS, has been a top-rated speaker in the technology industry for over 40 years. Inducted into the Accounting Hall of Fame in 2011, Randy is listed as a Top 25 Thought Leader in Accounting from 2011-2024. His influence throughout the accounting profession is highlighted again this year by receiving the 2023 Accounting Today Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting award for the twentieth consecutive year. In addition, Randy writes a monthly column and produces a weekly podcast for The CPA Practice Advisor, features for the Journal of Accountancy, creates articles for accounting and technology publications, and is the author of numerous books. He has started and owns multiple businesses, including K2 Enterprises in Hammond, Louisiana, and Network Management Group, Inc. in Hutchinson, Kansas. NMGI has supported CPA firms for 40 years and is the largest managed service provider serving the CPA profession in North America. His wife, four children, and seven grandchildren enjoy many experiences together, including theatre, music, travel, golf, skiing, snorkeling, and model trains.


Gary Boomer, CPA

Boomer Consulting, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer
(785) 537-2358 ext. 112


CEO of Boomer Consulting, Inc., an organization that provides consulting services to leading accounting firms in the areas of Leadership and Management, Client Development, Talent Development, Technology and Compensation. Recognized in the accounting profession as the leading authority on technology and firm management. For over a decade, he has been named by Accounting Today as one of the 100 Most Influential People in Accounting. He is also a member of IPA’s 10 Most Recommended Consultants. Consults and speaks around the globe on management and technology related topics including strategic and technology planning, compensation, change management and developing a training / learning culture. He acts as a planning facilitator, provides coaching and serves on various advisory boards. Past president of the Kansas Society of CPAs, a member of the AICPA Council and the accounting advisory board at Kansas State University. He is also a member of The Advisory Board, a group of leading consultants to the accounting profession. He is the past chairman of the AICPA’s Information Technology Executive Committee and has also served on the AICPA’s Academic and Career Development Executive Committee and the ACUTE Board of Directors. The creator of and a facilitator for The Boomer Technology Circles™, a community that helps firms bridge the gap between technology and practice management and accelerate their progress through thought leadership and peer accountability. His team manages the Boomer Metrics on leading firm performance indicators. In 2009 Gary began hosting the CIO Advantage, a community that prepares technology professionals for a seat at the management table by developing their business and IT acumen. Gary also hosts the CEO Advantage, a community of Managing Partners who act as a collaborative think tank to challenge, encourage and propel each other to a higher level of success.


William Hamilton is the co-founder of SmartPath. He has pioneered modern growth and retirement strategies with 1,000+ small firm owners across the country over the last 10 years.


Michael McGovern has twenty years of experience in strategic tax planning. He has collaborated with hundreds of small businesses and nonprofits, aiding them in attaining sustainability. He possesses a wealth of knowledge as an expert in QuickBooks and financial reporting. Michael has successfully led a team of ten individuals, generating over $2 million in revenue. Furthermore, he has pioneered a distinctive nonprofit financial structure aimed at attracting high-end donors. Beyond his professional endeavors, Michael is a devoted husband, father, and practitioner of jiu jitsu.

Additional Materials
Webinar Technical FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
  • To receive CPE credit, you must register for the webinar before it starts.
  • CPE is available to all eligible participants within 24 hours of each webinar.
  • To receive CPE for multiple attendees, at least one person must sign up for the webinar. The post-webinar email contains a link to instructions for the proctor letter. Alternatively, you may log in to your account following the webinar and click on the MY ACCOUNT button to find a link to instructions. For paid courses, payment needs to be made for each attendee before credit will be issued.

NASBA Approved (Sponsor Id#: 111889) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: 1685 S. Colorado Blvd, Suite #205, Denver, CO 80222

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